Sacred place
for praying and living
Holy Trinity Skete
It’s a place where silence and ease rule.

There is hardly a corner in the world where civilization with its car noise and city lights hasn’t left its tracks.

Can you find a place where silence and peace rule and birds chirp on still dewy branches in the morning?

Yet there is such a place in Vinnytsia oblast, Ukraine. It’s just by the Moldovan border where the Dnister river winds through picturesque rolling hills covered with broodier forests.

You can feel celestial blowing of wind carrying all odors of the land mixed of meadow, fur needle, highland rivers.

God embraces such places with special grace as watching nature you feel His wisdom and eternal beauty.

So not far from Mohyliv-Podilskii a Skete in honour of the great Life-Giving Trinity is starting to be built. It’s a monachal place that follows the great Sergii Radoniezhskii footsteps.

Sergii Radoniezhskii was a hermit who did a lot of good deeds. He survived in severe frost in a forest all by himself. Then he managed to gather brethren of monks and build an abbacy.

Holy Spirit’s power could reconcile fighting princes and heal a body and soul.

It’s very important and appreciable event. Now it’s time when Ukraine as a longsuffering mother embraces and is blessing all sons and daughters to defend their motherland.

A peaceful monachal place of a great deed of Love, a pray for peace and prosperity appears just in such hard time.

Belief, Hope and Love are symbols of a white dove, symbols of Holy Spirit, God Father and God Son. They start their way which is a life-long way, actually.

I wish we hear chimes all across the Carpathians soon.

A beautiful carved wooden church with domes and vaults is being built and a cross on the top will gleam in the sun soon. Let the light of the cross help a traveller who got lost on a thorny life road find the way home.